Best 20 Party Games

When I host a gaming session I often struggle which game fits best with our group size. So I went through Boardgamegeek (a popular board game forum) to find the best 20 party games and sorted them by best play count, minimum age, average playing time and weight.

Here are the best 20 party games sorted by Boardgamegeek rank.

Best 20 Party Games

BGG Rank Game # of players Best with Min Age Average Playing time Weight
1 Codenames 2 to 8 6 10 15 1,4
2 The Resistance: Avalon 5 to 10 7 12 30 1,8
3 Time’s Up! Title Recall! 4 to 18 6 12 60 1,2
4 Dixit Odyssey 3 to 12 6 8 30 1,3
5 One Night Ultimate Werewolf Daybreak 3 to 7 7 8 10 1,5
6 Tajemnicze Domostwo 2 to 7 5 8 45 1,8
7 Sheriff of Nottingham 3 to 5 5 8 60 1,7
8 Telestrations 4 to 8 8 10 30 1,1
9 The Resistance 5 to 10 7 12 30 1,6
10 One Night Ultimate Werewolf 3 to 10 7 10 10 1,4
11 Dixit: Journey 3 to 6 6 10 30 1,3
12 Dixit 3 to 6 6 8 30 1,3
13 Time’s Up! 4 to 18 6 12 90 1,2
14 Spyfall 3 to 8 6 12 15 1,3
15 Time’s Up! Deluxe 4 to 18 8 12 60 1,2
16 PitchCar 2 to 8 6 5 30 1,2
17 Eat Poop You Cat 3 to 99 7 8 20 1,1
18 Telestrations: 12 Player Party Pack 4 to 12 12 12 15 1,2
19 Pictomania 3 to 6 6 8 25 1,5
20 Ca$h ‘n Guns (second edition) 4 to 8 7 10 30 1,3
Party Game
Very intense gaming experience

I personally love The Resistance: Avalon and Dixit. Avalon often even appeals to strategy gamers like myself, especially if they are outgoing. One Night Ultimate Werewolf is like a lighter and faster version of Avalon, I personally prefer the intense experience in Avalon. Dixit, Tajemnicze Domostwo and Spyfall are actually rather calm games and more suitable for introverts.






Party Game
Brand-new and immensely popular

Codenames is brand-new (published in 2015) and already tops the list!


Here you find the best 20 party games sorted by best player number, minimum age, average playing time and weight.


BGG Rank Game # of players Best with Min Age Average Playing time Weight
6 Tajemnicze Domostwo 2 to 7 5 8 45 1,8
7 Sheriff of Nottingham 3 to 5 5 8 60 1,7
16 PitchCar 2 to 8 6 5 30 1,2
19 Pictomania 3 to 6 6 8 25 1,5
4 Dixit Odyssey 3 to 12 6 8 30 1,3
12 Dixit 3 to 6 6 8 30 1,3
1 Codenames 2 to 8 6 10 15 1,4
11 Dixit: Journey 3 to 6 6 10 30 1,3
14 Spyfall 3 to 8 6 12 15 1,3
3 Time’s Up! Title Recall! 4 to 18 6 12 60 1,2
13 Time’s Up! 4 to 18 6 12 90 1,2
5 One Night Ultimate Werewolf Daybreak 3 to 7 7 8 10 1,5
17 Eat Poop You Cat 3 to 99 7 8 20 1,1
10 One Night Ultimate Werewolf 3 to 10 7 10 10 1,4
20 Ca$h ‘n Guns (second edition) 4 to 8 7 10 30 1,3
9 The Resistance 5 to 10 7 12 30 1,6
2 The Resistance: Avalon 5 to 10 7 12 30 1,8
8 Telestrations 4 to 8 8 10 30 1,1
15 Time’s Up! Deluxe 4 to 18 8 12 60 1,2
18 Telestrations: 12 Player Party Pack 4 to 12 12 12 15 1,2

The best player number ranges from 5 to 12. The vast majority of games in this list play best with 6 or 7 players.

I hope these lists help you find or purchase the right game for your gaming group!

Light and relaxed party game
Light and relaxed party game
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