This is a very simple game for 2 to 4 players that looks like a game for kids. However, despite the cute little penguins it is a deep abstract strategy game! A game lasts only around 10-15 minutes and most often players ask for another round.
Autor-Archive: juma
This is a very simple game for 2 to 4 players that looks like a game for kids. However, despite the cute little penguins it is a deep abstract strategy game! A game lasts only around 10-15 minutes and most often players ask for another round.
Navegador is a relatively fast (90 min) economic game for 2-5 players set in the Portugues Age of Discovery in the 16th century. Players ship towards Asia, explore new colonies, exploit their resources and sell them on the market.
In October 2014, the Terra Mystica expansion Terra Mystica Fire and Ice was released. Terra Mystica is probably the gamers‘ game of the last years, no surprise it is on second rank on Boardgamegeek. This expansions adds even more replayability to a game with tremendous replay value and fixes a few imbalances.
Die dritte Runde Green Deal im CSR-Kurs lief sehr gut. Die Studenten waren mit dem Spiel gut vertraut und somit im Flow, sie entwickelten auch schon etwas tiefere Strategien und hatten sichtlich Spaß. Zwei der 15 Studenten haben sogar gleich ein Spiel gekauft. Wie cool ist das denn!
The 3rd „gaming-meets-CSR“ session was very successful, there was a good flow in the games, the players developed more sophisticated strategies and really enjoyed the session. Two out of 15 students even bought a copy of Green Deal, how awesome is that!!!
Heute ist die neue Spielbox erschienen (das auflagenstärkste Brettspielmagazin im deutschsprachigen Raum). Darin ist ein ganzseitiges Interview mit mir mit dem Titel „Geschickter Vermarkter“.
Kürzlich habe ich aufregende und überraschende Neuigkeiten erhalten! Prof. Dr. Althaus lehrt Masterstudenten Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) an der FH Wildau. Er hat einige Spiele unseres neuen Nachhaltigkeitsbrettspiels Green DEal bestellt und es bereits in seinen Lehrplan für das Wintersemester 2014/15 integriert!
Recently, I received news that excited me a lot as it was quite a surprise! Prof. Dr. Althaus teaches Corporate Social Responsibility at the university FH Wildau to master students. He bought a couple of copies of our new sustainability board game Green Deal and set up a curriculum to use it to teach sustainable […]
The game fair Spiel‘ in Essen (West Germany) is the biggest board game fair in the whole world. People from all around the world flood towards this relatively small city each October. Of course Green Deal had to be there, and so it was!